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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nice Little Mention

Like many large organisations, Energex has a magazine - Connections. Last edition they were kind enough to run a little mention of my newly published status. It's funny; scratch the surface of so many people and you find a creative pursuit quietly ticking away in the background... actors, musicians, photographers, super cooks, other writers... they're everywhere! We should have an expo...

I'll be in the June edition of Finally at 40 as well... it's a new mag - check it out at the newsagents or at


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Congrats on your mention in Finallyat40. Isn't it a great place to be in life?

  2. The best! So good to have a few things (not everything) worked out at last! My teenage daughter is in an exciting time too... getting ready to launch. But I hope I'm showing her that a woman's life just gets more interesting as you go.

